Three trends powering climate technology financing
How are climate technology innovators at the forefront of the energy transition attracting investors? Our Energy & Climate Technology Investment Banking team explains.
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Cindy Quan, Global Co-Head of the Sustainable Banking Group, considers the potential of nature-based solutions to help companies achieve their 2030 sustainability targets.
It’s becoming clear that the energy transition alone is not enough to achieve net zero, but natural ecosystems could help accelerate progress.
It’s estimated that nature-based solutions have the potential to provide 1/3 of the climate mitigation needed to meet the 2030 Paris Agreement goals.1
However, annual nature-based investments need to triple to $540 billion dollars by 2030 in order to limit climate change to 1.5°C.2 Companies can start to consider nature-based solutions as part of their sustainability strategy.
How are climate technology innovators at the forefront of the energy transition attracting investors? Our Energy & Climate Technology Investment Banking team explains.
The shift towards nature-based solutions is being driven by two interrelated factors for CEOs and boards to consider.
First, with disclosure requirements evolving, there’s been a shift to embracing double materiality. This requires companies to disclose the impact of sustainability factors on the company as well as its own impact on natural ecosystems.
Second, investors are increasingly considering double materiality and adhering to frameworks like the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures. This may lead investors to avoid companies that aren’t disclosing their impact on nature.
Corporate leaders are seeking ways to proactively use their balance sheets to help achieve 2030 sustainability targets via nature-based solutions.
Early movers are carving their own paths by setting up dedicated funds, leveraging new outcome-based instruments or issuing securitised products.
Investment in natural capital can yield both financial and environmental benefits such as reduced risk exposure, enhanced investor demand, growth and innovation, and social and economic benefit.
By focusing on nature-based solutions, companies can take a more proactive approach to decarbonisation and climate adaptation strategies to preserve the natural resources they rely on to do business.
Source: 1. UN Environmental Programme of the World Bank. 2.
About the expert
Cindy Quan
Global Head of Thematic Investing Research
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